Swastham Ayurveda
Member since: Apr 05, 2017
Published articles: 48

High blood pressure is quite common amongst millions of people around the globe. We hear that so many persons have expired due this dreadful disease that is caused due to idleness, wrong foods...

Not feeling up to the mark and being bogged down by sad and lonely thoughts is normal, and happens to everyone sometime or the other. But at times these emotions become a regular part of life, and...

Cancer is a devastating and serious disease that is autoimmune in nature. Numbers of people die across the globe each year due to different types of cancer caused in various parts or organs of the...

High blood pressure or hypertension is mostly seen from the perspective of advancing age or old age. It is a common notion that high blood pressure occurs in elderly people only or those in middle...

Cervical spondylitis is a normal age related problem that involves the degeneration of spine. Because the pain is a result of age and it normally starts with creeping years the person suffering from...

Headache is commonly seen in many people but at times the headache starts to last for days and days and shows no sign of a respite without medication then it may be a chronic headache. These headaches...

Medical science can be scary especially if you hear that your loved is suffering from a serious condition of the heart like coronary heart disease. People are often held spell bound when they get to...

We love to have a beautiful skin. The beauty of the skin gives us a good feel Glowing skin also denotes that the person is healthy and is following a good lifestyle. The bright face gives a...

What do you think is the most difficult challenge to win in today’s arena? You will be astonished to know the answer to this question. It is the challenge of reducing your weight and keeping it under...

Gaseousness in the stomach is a common problem for large numbers of people worldwide. It is generally caused due to intake of heavy, spicy, indigestible, hot and penetrating foods. Also smoking and...

People are extremely bothered about their figure and physique and they are extremely disgusted whenever they see loads of cellulite stacked on their bodies. They exercise, diet and starve to shed off...

What makes you worried whenever you look yourself in the mirror? It is perhaps the reducing numbers of hairs and thinning of hairs on the scalp. Unquestionably, this problem is faced by almost all...

Diabetes which is also called as Madhumeh is a condition that is characterized by high levels of sugar content in the blood. Also this condition results in excessive physical weakness in case it is...

Apart from taking care of numbers of other factors asthma patients also need to take proper care of the apt humidity in the environment. It is because excessively dry or moist air may result in...

Ayurveda and its principles are there for centuries. In fact, these were the only source of healing and treatment during ancient times. This 5,000 year old medicine system offers natural and purely...
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