Puja Rastogi
Member since: Apr 26, 2017
Published articles: 2
Why is Lithotripsy Preferred for Removing Kidney Stone?
Kidneys are instrumental organs that play a major role in flushing out toxins from the body. Stone like formations happen in the kidneys because of variety of reasons like lack of adequate water...
Articles > Health & Fitness > Fitness
Jul 28, 2017
Can Kidney Function Restored After Dialysis?
What is dialysis?Dialysis is a medical technique to remove the extra waste products and excess fluid from the blood. It replaces the functions of the kidney. In general, there are two type of...
Articles > Health & Fitness > Diseases & Conditions
Apr 27, 2017
Puja Rastogi is a Medical Writer and contributor to healthprice.in. she has 3 years of experience in writing articles on Health. puja likes to share information related to health.