Customer data onboarding promises benefits, but it is a multi-nuanced effort which entails multiple pain points. There are many touch points that need to be integrated with each other. Paper-based...
Technical Criteria for Evaluating an Integration Vendor Choosing a dedicated software for B2B integration can be a long-standing question that involves solving several technology integration problems...
Data integration involves a process of combining technical as well as business processes employed to blend data from myriad sources into useful, meaningful, insightful information. In simple words...
Data security is an exclusive concern for enterprises as most of their mission-critical information resides in the cloud and mobile environments. Enterprises are under pressure to respond 24x7x365 to...
My name is John Scutz, I'm a digital strategist at Adeptia Inc.. I was born on January 1990 in Chicago. I contribute Adeptia efforts related to Blogs, Newsletters, Articles,