Rajkumar Bisen
Member since: Feb 04, 2019
Published articles: 462
@ The Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease, which is associated proportionately with increased life expectancy worldwide. Patient suffers and encounters various...
@ Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring involves the monitoring of the blood pressure of the patient over a 24-hour period as he/she carries out daily activities. These allow for regular monitoring of...
@ Anatomic pathology involves direct visualization of human tissue as gross examination as well as under a microscope for proper diagnosis of the disease or a pathological condition. Subtypes of...
@ Video laryngoscopy-assisted tracheal intubation devices have become substitutes to conventional laryngoscopes since recent past. These systems provide a clear image of the vocal cords and larynx on...
@ Most of the biomedical researches are carried on animal model with short-term objective to study toxicity of drugs for developing new therapeutics for certain diseases. The main objective of using...
@ Infectious diseases are health disorders that are caused by invasion and multiplication of infection-causing foreign organisms in a host’s body. Growth and multiplication of harmful pathogens such...
@ Anti-obesity Drugs are pharmacological agents that reduce or control the weight. These drugs change one of the fundamental processes of human body, weight regulation, either by changing the...
@ Bone cement is a material used for the fixation of joint implants to the bone. Chemical bone cement is Plexiglas, which is a polymer-based material comprising poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA) or...
@ Antibody drug conjugate is a significant class of highly potent bio drugs envisioned as a broad therapy for treatment of cancer. Unlike chemotherapy, antibody drug conjugate are proposed to mark and...
@ Epilepsy is associated with disrupted activities in the brain called seizures, which affects the central nervous system. Epilepsy is categorized into generalized seizures and partial seizures based...
@ Epilepsy is associated with disrupted activities in the brain called seizures, which affects the central nervous system. Epilepsy is categorized into generalized seizures and partial seizures based...
@ Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) confirms susceptibility, detects resistance, and guides the selection of patient therapy. The tests can guide the physician in drug choice and dosage for...
@ Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. It’s also called as essential oil therapy, as essential oils are major components of...
@ Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed by surgeons to visualize, diagnose and treat the joint related disease. The surgeon makes a small incision through which they insert...
@ Eating habits of type 1 diabetes patients is highly curtailed, complemented by regular administration of insulin. Type 1 diabetes patients require multiple doses of insulin in a day and all-round...
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Healthcare related news and fitness trends