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Articles Legal & Law Criminal
Premium Member
Hiring an Appellate Lawyer Michigan Ensures Better Winning Chances

People who need a legal appeal are the parties losing in court. Now they look for an appellate to reverse the verdict. However, in some cases, appeals fail to offer a favorable result. The appeals...

Daniel Mabee Jun 21, 2020
Premium Member
6 Mistakes to Avoid Before Hiring Criminal Appeals Lawyers in Michigan

When you are charged with a crime in a court of law, the first and foremost thing to do is seek legal representation for yourself in court. If you do not have money, you can get a court-appointed...

Daniel Mabee Jun 16, 2020
Premium Member
Things You Should Know Before Hiring a Sex Harassment Defense Lawyer

Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that includes inappropriate conduct or behavior, or unsolicited comments regarding sex or sexual orientation. It covers unwelcome sexual advances or...

Simon Hopes Jun 09, 2020
Premium Member
Cocaine: Where Does It Come from?

Nose candy, snow, yeyo, blow, and coke are some names of cocaine, which is white and highly-addictive powder. About cocaine, how much do you know, apart from the things you see on narcos or wolf of...

Abdul Rauf Khal'id Apr 25, 2020
Premium Member
What Are Your Legal Rights Under Sexual Harassment Cases?

In spite of being illicit for the greater part of a century, inappropriate behaviour or sexual harassment remains today the unavoidable type of violence against women, regularly incorporating...

Hassan Elhais Apr 04, 2020
Premium Member
Can a Child Be Held Criminally Liable?

Compos Mentis is one amongst the other significant elements in establishing criminal accountability. Mental ability and discernment are developed as an individual grows and attains a specific age...

Hassan Elhais Apr 03, 2020
Premium Member
5 Simple Legal Steps for Debt Collection in Uae

The concept of debts can be traced from the time of the barter system, where people use to exchange goods and services. What if either party fails to deliver the promised goods in exchange of goods...

Hassan Elhais Mar 23, 2020
Premium Member
5 Simple Legal Steps for Debt Collection in Uae

The concept of debts can be traced from the time of the barter system, where people use to exchange goods and services. What if either party fails to deliver the promised goods in exchange of goods...

Hassan Elhais Mar 23, 2020
Premium Member
Do You Want to File a Case for Theft?

Theft involves obtaining someone else's property with the intention of depriving the other person permanently from such movable property without their consent. Stealing money, accepting stolen goods...

Hassan Elhais Mar 23, 2020
Premium Member
Uae and South Africa Extradition Treaty

The treaty will enable the countries to help each other in criminal investigation and prosecution of crimes through mutual collaboration and extradition of accused hiding in either of the country post...

Hassan Elhais Mar 23, 2020
Premium Member
What Are Your Legal Rights Under Sexual Harassment?

This obstinate and malignant relies on pervasive behaviour and beliefs embedded in our society supporting maltreatment against women. How does a civilized society condone such behaviour? What can be...

Hassan Elhais Mar 23, 2020
Premium Member
Are You Aware of New Electronic Arrests in Uae?

The Law offers temporary detention than imprisonment for offenders in minor offences or other related offences. The concerned Law is in line with the new Penal Code of UAE (Federal Decree-Law number...

Hassan Elhais Mar 22, 2020
Premium Member
Extradition Treaty Between Uae and India

It is a formal demand sent by one nation to another through diplomatic routes, for the latter to surrender the person who has committed the offence in the requesting country to their authorities. In...

Hassan Elhais Mar 22, 2020
Premium Member
What Are Legal Responsibilities of Bail Guarantor in Uae?

Ordinarily, the arrestees are kept in detainment for a certain period or until the public prosecutor finishes the investigation. However, in other cases, the arrestee can be released on bail, which is...

Hassan Elhais Mar 22, 2020
Premium Member
Criminal Liability for Medical Negligence

The pith of criminal law depends on two elements Actus Reus and Mens Rea derived from the legal maxim "actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea" which means no act is punishable without a guilty mind...

Hassan Elhais Mar 22, 2020
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