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Perjury can be defined as an intentional act of lying, withholding the truth, administering false testimony, swearing or any act done with the intent of deception or misleading the legal system or...

The type of damages that can be awarded by a court of law in a personal injury claim include both compensatory damages and moral damages. Compensatory damages, which are also referred to as economic...

Criminal Law is applied when a person commits a crime such as theft, forgery, murder, rape and any other kind of acts that are considered a ‘crime’ as per the UAE penal code of Law. When a person is...

Defamation or Libel can occur when someone makes a false statement about you and thus damages your reputation. In this article, we will discuss how you can calcula

A crime can be classified generally as ‘misdemeanours’ and ‘felony’ depending on the seriousness of the offence.Misdemeanors’ constitute the more minor or less serious crimes as opposed to felonies. A...

Financial Crimes can be best understood as criminal activities carried out by an individual or group of people or organizations which seek to achieve economic

As UAE is increasingly characterized as an economical hub, economic security is regarded as one of the most important issues in an ever-growing economic hub of the middle east. An aspect is...

Criminal Defense is a discipline of law that concerns itself with defending those accused of crimes. The criminal justice practice of a criminal defense attorney tends to specialize in two major...

A recent favorable judgment issued in favor of a defendant against whom the custom public prosecutor registered charges for import and possession of drugs typically highlights the importance of...

The United Arab Emirates is a signatory of the Riyadh Arab Convention on Judicial cooperation for Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, Algeria, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia and...

An assault is categorized as a ‘violent crime’ in the United Arab Emirates. A crime involving a physical attack or even a threat of attack can be potentially classified as an assault. Depending on the...

Extradition process is subject to regional and international law. It refers to an action wherein one sovereign jurisdiction (requested State) delivers a person either acquitted or convicted of an...

Federal Law No 8, for 1980, on ‘Regulation of Labour Relations’ commonly referred to as the ‘UAE Labour law’, states certain specific grounds upon which an employee can be terminated immediately...

In recent months the United Arab Emirates has brought about many sweeping changes to certain archaic laws, including those concerning the consumption of

An extradition request can be understood as an action wherein one sovereign jurisdiction delivers a person either acquitted or convicted of an international crime to the law enforcement of another...