The most fundamental thing to be aware of before you can learn how to properly take the best care of your hair and make sure that it is healthy, strong, and beautiful is to know what type of hair you...

What is it that a would-be bride must not compromise on regarding her wedding dress? The fit! The bridal dress should not only be the perfect fit. The wearer must feel comfortable and must feel great...

At present, numerous street style photographers state that the marketplace for street style pictures has got saturated. Specialized cameras are more economical than ever, and thus there are less...

Buddha jewelry is famous for Aditya and quality items, out of which different jewelry types found inside it. It considered being such quality jewelry that is Buddha. It also serves many purposes of...

Whenever you are opting for the beautiful and shiny jewelry for any special occasion, and you really do not have the budget of buying diamonds, then you can simply for the artificial ones, which are...

Every woman loves cosmetics. Most of them use cosmetics to uphold their beauty in anywhere and to establish themselves as a styloholic or fashionistic. Most of the females do not like what others have...

We often dream of having fashion products from most premium brands in our wardrobe, but these dreams do not become realities due to our budget constraints. Buying premium brands without breaking our...

With the beginning of year 2020, 2020 prom season is beginning now. It will be better to prepare and shop for it as early as you can. And it is a good time to give some tips and advice to help you put...

Are you looking for art deco stores that feature in secret shopping tours? Get ready for a retail experience that’ll surely woo the fashionista within you! We’ve dug out some of Melbourne’s...

It can be challenging to decide things you will need to buy when you are at a thrift store. This is not because things you will find there are second hand, but there are many things you will find of...

Clothes are one of the necessities of human life. They constitute one of the most important ingredients of regular life. That is because clothes help us keep ourselves covered from prying eyes and...

Let’s start with type 1 (straight) hair.Completely stick-straight hair is most common people with Asian backgrounds, but it is also found in many Caucasian people as well. This type of hair is...

Have you ever wondered how so many of the movie stars and music artists you see on the red carpet, like Kylie Jenner and Rhianna, can go from pixie cuts to flowing waist- length mermaid hair...

An antique piece of jewellery is of high value to its owner as well as in the market. It is always judged by its durability, quality and gorgeousness and by far every antique piece has been of great...

A look on a summer day is not complete without wearing shades. More so, because it is no longer a luxury or a style statement, but it is necessary to use sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays...