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Articles Writing Self Publishing
Tips for Successful Marketing of Your Book

For every author known in the literary world there are probably at least a half dozen who are not known. This could be for a variety of reasons but the one that is most easily rectified is poor...

Become Shakespeare May 21, 2014
Shaping an Author out of You

There are no fixed guidelines or specific rules to turn you into an author overnight. Being an author is subjective, and depends on various factors. There are various factors that are involved in the...

Become Shakespeare Apr 28, 2014
The Self-Publishing Way, or the Conventional Way?

There is always a choice – especially if you want your literary work to be published.The world has come a far way, especially in terms of the technology. So has the publishing industry moved forward...

Become Shakespeare Apr 27, 2014
How to Look for the Right Self Publishing Company

The literary world would have never been introduced to literary legends like Virginia Woolf and Rudyard Kipling had it not been for the wonders of self-publishing. Self-publishing is becoming a rage...

Become Shakespeare Apr 13, 2014
Hindi Online News Paper Future

Hindi Online Newspaper The advancements in Technology has astounded everybody with the approach it's created the whole world tiny, by bring it into a network with the assistance of pc. The Hindi web...

Rahul Roy Feb 14, 2014
The Efficacy of Using Kindle

The modern technological scenario has brought to light in the field of education and science a better perspective. The sphere of technology has implemented the right tools required for opening up the...

Kay Stew Jan 21, 2014
Common Question of a Novice Author How to Write a Book

You can write a book and a good one if you are a story teller. So if you have a question in mind that How to Write a Book then here is the answer for you. Some people do it as a hobby and some take it...

Roney Errot Aug 12, 2013
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