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LOT-922: Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications: Advanced XPage Design

Author: Damian Kao
by Damian Kao
Posted: Oct 27, 2013

Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications exam validates a candidate’s skills and demonstrates his/her proficiency in the latest IBM technology and solutions.

This certificate is for experienced domino 8.5 application developers who can demonstrate the ability in building and maintaining domino 8.5 applications with LotusScript, JavaScript, or Web Services.

Exam Objectives

The exam covers advanced XPage design in IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 applications:

  • Building themes
  • Extending the data sources
  • Optimizing, troubleshooting and localization
  • Using advanced Dojo controls
  • Using Server-side JavaScript
  • Using XPages for mobile user interfaces
  • Working with Java

Exam Preparation: Recommended Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge

Candidates should be able to show the skills required to effectively build and maintain domino 8.5 applications with the application of corresponding knowledge and skills in one of three areas, LotusScript, JavaScript, or Web Services or they should successfully build and install Composite Applications with Notes Domino 8.5.

  • LotusScript Knowledge and Skill Areas
  • JavaScript Knowledge and Skill Areas
  • Composite Applications Knowledge and Skill Areas

Candidates are highly recommended to use a variety of resources to prepare themselves for the exam. It is advisable to start with the exam competencies to determine which tasks the exam will cover. Also equally important is for candidates to have actual hands-on experience which is a critical factor in preparing for the exam. Candidates must spend time using the product and applying the skills learned.

Following are the resources candidates can choose from:
  • Classroom Course:

This is a 2 days course and is targeted at those candidates who are experienced Domino Designer application developers and experienced Xpage application developers. The course helps in building skills through informative lectures and discussions and hands-on lab.

In the first half of the course, candidates will create an XPage and implement advanced controls and in the second half of the course they will how to optimize XPages.

  • Online courses:
1. Developing XPages using Domino Designer 8.5 is a complete and comprehensive course. Candidates will get a complete understanding of XPages and how the technology can be used to enhance new and existing Domino applications.

2. The XPage Development 2 for Notes and Domino 8.5 concentrate on the skills needed to move traditional Notes/Domino applications to XPages and improving applications using the latest Web 2.0 tools.

  • Retail Book: Mastering XPages: A Step-by-Step Guide to XPages Application Development is a complete guide to XPages Development. It was published by IBM Press in January 2011. The book provides candidates with tips, tricks, and best practices from IBM's own XPages developers.
    • Web Resource such as the following can also be helpful to candidates: 1. Notes Domino Application Development wiki
  • IBM Notes and Domino Product Documentation
  • Notes from Lotus Support
  • Exam Information:

    There are a total of 32 questions and time allowed is 60 minutes. Candidates require a 75% score to pass the exam. The test is in English language. The cost of the exam is US $200.

    ExamCertify offers 15% discount for Lot-922 and Lot-958 and other IT Certifications material with instant download and 90 days free updates.

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    ExamCertify offers 15% discount for 000-585 and Bas-004 and other IT Certifications material with instant download and 90 days free updates.

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Author: Damian Kao

Damian Kao

Member since: Oct 07, 2013
Published articles: 118

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