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Will Probably New Fines Intended For Cyclists And Motorists Have An Effect On Personal Personal Inju

Author: Emma Swift
by Emma Swift
Posted: Mar 25, 2014

This week views the introduction of numerous new fines regarding both motorists and also cyclists. For drivers, on the position fines for bouncing red lights are increasingly being introduced and police are usually in place monitoring targeted visitors junctions, particularly throughout London, to begin warning of as well as enforcing this.

Compensation for injuries solicitors has sorted out two cases in which cyclists jumping crimson lights have caused motorists to adopt evasive action in addition to injure others - and this is region which needs handling. Cyclists need to follow along with the same regulations as other traffic around the roads.

An equally tough line has taken on car owners who encroach upon cycle lanes. The encouragement of folks cycling daily has many benefits which is important, however, protection is key. Cyclists need to possess their own safe lanes and also rely on the fact motorists will not really encroach. Again compensation for injuries solicitors has noticed incidents with drivers, particularly motorbikes, 'nipping' into cycle lanes instead of seeing cyclists, leading to serious accidents. Motorists need to be deterred from starting these lanes to ensure cyclists can vacation safely.

Motorway driving can be under scrutiny and police now take over powers to stop immediately those who 'tailgate' and 'hog' the center lane. Both of the activities are common and, whilst most likely they are only a nuisance for various other drivers to complaint about, in some cases these are the direct reasons for accidents - with vehicles looking to get away from or circumvent such drivers. Instant enforcement connected with sensible driving may only be great.

The final level of note this week will be the increase in charges fines for driving a car without insurance - coming from £200 to £300. Whilst taking that more seriously is an excellent thing, it must become queried whether how big is the fine is actually significant enough to help deter people with the higher costs regarding actually insuring a motor vehicle.

Those who travel without insurance indicate a reckless disregard with the safety of other people. Whilst there are other ways of compensation for individuals injured or using property damage through an uninsured autos, the cover seriously isn't as extensive plus the process is more difficult.

Head of the individual injury solicitors left a comment: "We are very happy to see steps being come to empower the police as well as other authorities to work promptly and penalise individuals who put the safe practices of others in jeopardy. We hope which sufficient publicity these changes will behave as a deterrent and cause an improvement to be able to road safety and a decrease in both the amount of accidents and uninsured owners.

Emma swift is a freelance blogger and journalist who works alongside a team of accident at work compensation solicitors to provide timely articles about work injury compensation claims, health and safety and a range of other matters. She has had his work published across a huge range of different platforms and media. She has previously worked as a content writer and a journalist.

About the Author

Emma swift is a freelance blogger and journalist who works alongside a team of accident at work compensation solicitors

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Author: Emma Swift

Emma Swift

Member since: Mar 21, 2014
Published articles: 51

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