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Call Center CRM Integration for Different CRM Solutions

Author: Zenteno Peterson
by Zenteno Peterson
Posted: Feb 23, 2020

Call center solution and CRM software, both, are heavily in use in different companies and enterprises. The companies use these systems to keep their customer data well managed and to provide better customer services to them. Both of them are two different solutions, but they can be used as an integrated solution with call center CRM integration.

Call center CRM integration is a process of integrating both, call center solution and CRM system together. Once these systems are integrated, they can be used as a single solution. It means all features of both of these solutions will be made available within a single system. Agents or other executives who use these systems will not need to switch back and forth between these two different systems.

There are many call center solutions and CRM software that can be integrated. In this article, I will share details about the top 3 CRM solutions which are widely in use and get integrated into different call center solutions.

1. vTiger

It is one of the most widely used CRM solutions across the world. As per the shared numbers by vTiger itself, it is in use by more than 300000 businesses all across the world. Thus, there is no doubt that customers opt for call center CRM integration to choose vTiger as a CRM solution. VICIDial vTiger integration is one of the commonly integrated solutions used by companies.

2. Zoho

It is another customer relationship management solution. According to the statistics shared by Zoho more than 50 million customers use it. It means it might be already in use by the company when it decides to get CRM call center integration.

3. SuiteCRM

It is specifically developed for small and medium scaled enterprises and businesses. Generally, it is used as a prominent alternative to proprietary customer relationship management solutions. It is available on-premises as well as a SaaS based solution. There are many companies that use this system. In fact, there are already 4500,000 users of this CRM solution. This makes it one of the most used CRM systems for call center CRM integration.

4. SugarCRM

It is another popular CRM solution and currently in use by 2 million users in more than 120 countries. It is available in 26 different languages and it is one of the reasons, it is one of the most rapidly growing customer relationship management solutions in the world. It is also one of the most commonly used CRM software in call center CRM integration.

5. Salesforce

When we are talking about customer relationship management solutions, how can we forget Salesforce? It is a complete 360 degree customer relationship management solution that offers a wide range of features and applications. It is definitely one of the most widely used CRM software and that is why it is one of the systems used to be integrated with the call center solution.

These are the top 5 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solutions which are more commonly used to be integrated with the call center solutions.
About the Author

Author works in a company that offers call center Crm integration for different systems. Some of the major integrations offered are Vicidial vTiger integration, Vicidial Zoho integration, Vicidial Salesforce integration, etc.

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Author: Zenteno Peterson

Zenteno Peterson

Member since: Dec 12, 2019
Published articles: 45

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