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Basic SEO Knowledge

Author: Piyush Kumar
by Piyush Kumar
Posted: May 14, 2020

Today we have to tell you in this article what is SEO and why it is important

What is SEO? SEO is all the ways by which we can bring our website to the top of search engines so that more and more people see it. Optimizing content in SEO, optimizing backlink, optimizing website structure are all part of SEO and we will know this in detail here.

Types of SEO

On-Page SEO: Using the techniques "while writing a post" on our website, we can try to move that post up in Google, it is called On-Page SEO. On-Page means what is done inside the SEO website.

Off-Page SEO: Google not only looks for someone to rank a website but also collects information about it from outside (eg from social sites and other websites). With the help of SEO Techniques, which promote our website and make it rank higher in Google, they are called Off-Page SEO.

Depending on the usage, SEO is of three types-1) Black Hat SEO Techniques: When people use some wrong methods to forward their website to Google, then it is called Black Hat SEO.Like- writing the same keyword over and over again; Buying backlinks by paying money.

2. White Hat SEO Techniques: When people use the right methods to rank their website in Google, it is called White Hat SEO.

Such as writing a detailed post; Creating backlinks naturally.

3. Gray Hat SEO Techniques: When people use some White Hat and some Black Hat Techniques on their website, it is called Gray Hat SEO. Gray because gray is formed by mixing White + Black.

Why is SEO important?When more than 90% of people do some search on search engines like Google, then only visit the websites that came on the first page. Only a lot of people go to the second page.SEO is necessary to increase the traffic on our website or blog.By doing SEO, we can come to the top page without giving money to Google.

Off-page SEO Techniques

1. Creating Shareable Content2. Guest Posting3. Social Media Engagement4. Social Bookmarking5. Forum Submission6. Directory Submission7. Article Submission8. Classified Ads9. Video Submission10. Image Submission11. Infographics Submission12. Document Sharing13. Web 2.0 Submission14. Press Release15 Local Map Listing

On-page SEO Techniques

1. High quality and unique content2. Search engine friendly URL3. Use body tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.)4. Keyword Density5 Use "alt" for image optimization6 Internal Linking7 Optimize page title and meta description8 Keyword research9 Mobile-friendly website10 improve the website loading speed11. Regularly fresh and new post12 Social sharing buttons13 Use long-tail keywords

How Search Engine WorksSearch Engine is a web-based tool, with the help of which we do World Wide Web Data Search. Some popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, Safari, and Bing. These search engines are inbuilt inside a browser, which performs data searches with the help of the Internet.

Whenever you search in a Query Search Engine, whatever Boots (Spider) of the Search Engine are. He goes to the Search Engine server about your query. Where all the data store is there. Which we call indexing.

Boots from that index brings you the Appropriate Result of your Query. This means that whatever search result you show in SERP (Search Engine Result Page), that work can be completed with the help of Search Engine.

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Author: Piyush Kumar

Piyush Kumar

Member since: Apr 25, 2020
Published articles: 3

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