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74-335: Lync Network Readiness Assessment

Author: Emma Lees
by Emma Lees
Posted: Aug 20, 2014

Lync Network Readiness Assessment exam is very important therefore, we have provided here the candidates with the details related to the study topics.

74-335: Lync Network Readiness Assessment main validates the candidates on the topics that the vendor has given as the exam syllabus, for your convenience, we have given the candidates with the extracted exam topics that they need to study and prepare for.

The first topic is Implement Lync Network Readiness Assessment Methodology in which the candidate has to understand the objectives which are methodology phases which consists of order phases, entry and exit standards, Discovery, Modeling, Simulation consists of that the candidates have to learn are geographical profile of the customer, customers sites tested, internal customers processes and requirements. The individuals are also required to know about deliverables in which they study about bandwidth calculator, final presentation, and final report along with the concept which is for traffic simulation where they learn how to access technical requirements of synthetic transaction tools, the timing of simulations, and gather blockers for simulation.

The 74-335: Lync Network Readiness Assessment next main topic is called Analyze the Network Environment where the candidates gain the knowledge about WAN topology that consists of the concepts that are MPLS, VPN, MPLS providers, point-to-point, controller placement, and channel overlap, QoS approaches: traffic policing and traffic shaping impact on RTC, DSCP, and separate/converged networks.

Another topic which the candidate has to learn in details is called Analyze media flow scenarios that are such as conference, peer-to-peer, PSTN, and capture traces. Also, they should know about network for optimal performance: max and average jitter, peak packet loss and one way network delay, Monitor and manage networks in which candidates learn about utilization, managing policy enforcement, monitoring tools and evaluating network availability.

The 74-335: Lync Network Readiness Assessment third main topic for the exam is Perform Usage Modeling where the candidates learn about a lot of concepts and tasks that include Model RTC traffic media flows Model Lync traffic per location: predict service needs and growth, calibrate usage models based on customer usage and business by using the Lync bandwidth calculator for example peer-to-peer, conferencing, branch traffic, central site traffic remote user traffic and PSTN, Service Level Agreements on network infrastructure, analyzing the impact data network usage, average and peak usage, average drop, and peak packet loss, simulation traffic, synthetic transaction endpoint placement/location and volume per path, results from traffic simulation: interpret baseline network characteristics and network reconfigurations and modifications for QoS approach.

After passing the 74-335: Lync Network Readiness Assessment exam, the candidates are able to perform the complex tasks that are associated with the Lync technology, in which they are able to implement the technology in a better way, some of them include traffic impacts a network, business requirements, network components and limit traffic volume or change solution design, Customer Data and Measurement, policies collected from the discovery phase and many others which they have learned from the exam syllabus.

74-335: Lync Network Readiness Assessment exam should be carefully prepare with the help of training kits.

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Author: Emma Lees

Emma Lees

Member since: Aug 14, 2014
Published articles: 35

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