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Top Applications Of Node.js That You Should Know

Author: Sanjeev Sharma
by Sanjeev Sharma
Posted: Apr 24, 2022

Javascript is extremely popular and perhaps one of the most widely used programming languages today. It now powers millions of websites and has attracted thousands of web developers and designers to create new features. For a person who is new to the world of programming, JavaScript is the greatest programming language to learn.

JavaScript was mostly used for client-side scripting during the first 20 years after its release. Developers had to work in several languages and frameworks between the front-end and back-end components because JavaScript could only be utilised within the tag. Then Node.js was released, a runtime environment containing everything needed to run a JavaScript program. There are numerous applications of Node.js.

Node.js is an open-source, single-threaded, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications that are fast and scalable. It features a non-blocking I/O event-driven, architecture and operates on the V8 JavaScript runtime engine, making it efficient and ideal for real-time applications. Today we will be going to see the major applications of Node.js and its top benefits.

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Applications Of Node.js

Node.js is utilised in many different applications. Let's look at some common applications of Node.js:

Internet of Things

As IoT applications typically provide little bits of data that can pile up into a significant number of requests, they commonly include numerous sensors. Node.js is one of the best choices for the internet of things because it can process multiple requests rapidly.

Real-time chats

It is one of the important applications of Node.js. Node.js have a single-threaded asynchronous nature. So, it is well-suited to handling real-time communication.

It is frequently utilised in the development of chatbots because of its scalability. Additional chat features like as multi-person chat and push alerts are similarly straightforward to implement with Node.js.

Data streaming

For streaming, companies like Netflix use Node.js. This is primarily due to Node.js's lightweight and quick nature, as well as the fact that it includes a native streaming API. Users can pipe requests to each other over these streams, resulting in data being sent directly to its final destination.

REST API-based applications

It is one of the important applications of Node.js. Both the front-end and back-end of websites can now use JavaScript. As a result, utilising Node.js, a server may simply communicate with the front-end using REST APIs. Node.js also includes packages like Express.js and Koa that make developing web apps much easier.

Complex single-page applications (SPAs)

The entire application is loaded in a single page in SPAs. This usually signifies that a few of requests for certain components are being made in the background. Node.js provides an event loop that comes to the rescue here. It handles requests in a non-blocking manner.

What Is Node.js Written In?

Node.js is written in JavaScript, C, and C++. According to Wikipedia, "Node.js is a bundled compilation of Google's V8 JavaScript engine, the libuv platform abstraction layer, and a core library, mostly written in JavaScript".

Internally, the runtime employs Chrome V8, which is a JavaScript execution engine developed in C++. This expands Node.js' capabilities of accessing the features of internal system features such as networking.

Top Benefits Of Node.js

Apart from the main applications of Node.js, you should also know the top benefits of Node.js. According to the results of the Node.js User Survey, this technology has had a positive influence on respondents' businesses, mostly through greater programmer productivity/satisfaction and lower development costs. But what are the grounds behind these discoveries? Multiple Node.js advantages revolve around the ability to write both the front-end and the back-end using JavaScript:

Easy learning curve

A developer who is familiar with JavaScript can easily start using Node.js. Of course, he'll need to understand back-end development fundamentals, but knowing the programming language will make things a lot easier.


When using Node.js, you can easily organize full-stack JavaScript development, ensuring the application's speed and performance.

Large community.

As an open-source project, Node.js invites contributions and support to improve the platform's development and adoption. This is the Foundation's mission for Node.js's continual development and enhancement. As a result, you can be confident that, on the one hand, Node.js is constantly improving, and on the other hand, there are already a large number of reusable resources.

Great ecosystem

You can find 650,000 free code packages to use with Node.js on the npm (Node.js package manager).


This is one of the main benefits of the Node.js development environment since it enables you to create applications that scale with your company. Node.js is ideal for systems that use microservice architecture or containerization to gain rapid scalability and flexibility.


In this blog, we have discussed everything about the main applications of Node.js. Apart from this, we have also mentioned the benefits of Node.js. Node.js is a great technology that allows programmers to use JavaScript on both the client-side and server-side of a web application. Hopefully, now you have a clear picture of all the applications of Node.js in your mind.

About the Author

Sanjeev is a professional content writer and tech enthusiast. He helps students and beginners in understanding the technical concepts by writing blogs on complex topics in simple words. He also helps students in their assignments. He graduated with h

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Author: Sanjeev Sharma

Sanjeev Sharma

Member since: Mar 19, 2022
Published articles: 7

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