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What Is The Year 2038 Problem?

Author: Bibah Rayeq
by Bibah Rayeq
Posted: Sep 02, 2023

The year 2038 problem also known as Y2K38 is a problem caused by how some software systems store dates. When these dates reach 1 second after 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038 they will incorrectly show the date 20:45:52 on Friday, 13 December 1901. Same problem accure in the coding of computerized systems that was projected to create havoc in computers and computer networks around the world at the beginning of the year 2000 (in metric measurements, k stands for 1,000). After more than a year of international alarm, feverish preparations, and programming corrections, a few major failures occurred in the transition from December 31, 1999, to January 1, 2000. To understand why this happens we need to understand the background behind how these dates are stored.

Which Dates Have This Issue?

One of the many ways dates are stored in a system is called a Unix Timestamp, Unix Epoch time, or sometimes just referred to as a timestamp. These dates are stored in the database of a system. These dates are stored as the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight on 01 January 1970 (UTC/GMT).

If a signed 32-bit Integer is used to store this type of date it will run out of space to store dates after 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038.

It’s important to note that this problem does not just impact UNIX systems as many programming languages and systems adopted this date format to represent time.

How Do I Check If This Will Be A Problem?

Checking for this issue across a whole system is presumably going to be a time-consuming and complicated task. You'll need to look into all aspects of your system and everything that's connected to that system. It’s important to note that these problems may do before in some systems and latterly in others if the system is comparing times in the future and times in history.

All systems are different and it would be insolvable to come up with a full list of effects to check but then are some effects to look out for in Bedded systems that may store dates as sign 32-bit integer timestamps. Tackle running 32-bit software or operating systems Databases that have timestamps stored as sign 32-bit integers. Database functions that use 32-bit integer representations of times similar to UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), Most of business and banking systemare using software in which the dates are store in UNIX_TIMESTAMP.

You'll need to calculate on experts to check all the systems especially if you have critical software running that you absolutely can’t go to break for any quantum of time.

If you're running all 64-bit software this doesn't guarantee you won’t have any issues. Indeed in these systems dates can still be stored using an inked 32-bit integer and these systems could calculate on other systems that may have this issue.

It’s also important to note that not all 32-bit software will have this issue, in fact, the vast maturity of 32-bit software presumably won’t have this issue. A lot of 32-bit software will store dates in special structures that can handle dates far in excess of the time 2038 but the only real way to know how the dates are stored and used in a system is to check.

A word of caution Doesn't change times on waiters to test, just don’t do it. If you really know what you're doing also do it with absolute caution. When garçon times get out of synchronization bad effects can be. Attempt to do all your tests on testing systems and not on product waiters to minimize any impacts and if you absolutely need to test effects on product machines do them at times when the systems aren’t as busy in case of effects break.


As we have seen this issue could impact many different systems in many different ways.

To ensure that you have a smooth functioning system after the year 2038 it is important that your code bases and any connected systems (including embedded systems) are tested and checked to ensure they are compatible with times after this date. With some checking and testing, you can ensure your systems will function correctly after these dates and well into the future.

About the Author

Diligent software engineer with 3+ years of experience in commercial application development. Eager to join the best team to build innovative and cutting-edge business solutions for the impressive suite of clients within its global reach.

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Author: Bibah Rayeq

Bibah Rayeq

Member since: Nov 21, 2022
Published articles: 4

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