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What is DOOH Advertising?

Author: Bellplus Media
by Bellplus Media
Posted: Feb 20, 2023

Advertising has changed drastically over the years. We are (thankfully) no longer limited to print publications, and radio or television advertisements. The internet has opened up a world of opportunities for advertisers to reach people and connect with them on a personal level. That being said, online advertising comes with its own set of problems. Ad blindness is real, ads can be ignored or blocked, and bots have a noticeable effect on analytics and ROI. Advertisers must be aware of these potential obstacles and find more effective channels to launch successful campaigns. In the world of digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising, you have a limited number of ways to target your audience. You can buy outdoor ads in a specific location, like near a grocery store or next to a concert venue, and hope that your ad is seen by someone who might be interested in your product. Or you can use geolocation data to track your customers across multiple devices and attempt to reach them wherever they are. But there's a third option that's starting to gain ground: programmatic DOOH, which allows advertisers to purchase ads on digital screens in real-time using software algorithms instead of manual sales calls between marketers and vendors. The vendors are helpful in terms of all the best practices, everyone is into profit when it comes to advertising various forms of advertising. All the vendors get the overall basics of managing teams of the ventures. All the advents have to be edited, replaced, and updated. DOOH is the new technological advertising and is the best in-home advertising in today’s day when it comes to brand awareness.

What is OOH advertising?

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is conventional Non-digital and non-programmatic out-of-door advertising and marketing. Also referred to as out-of-domestic media or out of doors media, OOH advertising is about messaging customers while they're in public locations, commuting to work, waiting for elevators, and in specific industrial places. Traditional OOH codecs include billboards, on-vehicle ads, bus-forestall shelters, and many others. Digital Out-Of-Home(DOOH) is a large OOH powered up with AdTech – geofencing, monitoring, retargeting, personalizing, attribution and dimension.

What is DOOH advertising?

Due to its numerous appealing qualities, digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising is now one of the kinds of advertising that is expanding the quickest. As an illustration, consider how entirely resistant it is to some of the common issues plaguing web advertising. The technology employed in online display advertising has several advantages in DOOH, such as targeting and improved traffic statistics, but it is also entirely resistant to ad blockers, and OOH commercials cannot be ignored by the user.

DOOH Advertising in The Most Common Places


Residential Advertising offers various global and local brands a platform to advertise their products and offer a sense of community within the different gated communities.


Mall advertising is a form of digital outdoor home advertising where the shoppers can read the message while they go out for shopping and entertainment. It’s an appropriate mode of interacting with consumers to increase purchasing power.

3.Digital Outdoor

Digital Outdoor Advertising is a method of displaying your ads through LED screens that gets you the maximum number of people who easily get to know your brand. It’s in the form of appealing advertising that showcases the brand that paves your way to success.

Apart from these places, DOOH advertising can be found in other places as well such as hospitals, restaurants, cafes and bars, manufacturing units, airports, education institutes, events, hotels, bus stations, shopping areas, public parks, and many other places.....

What is Programmatic DOOH?

Programmatic DOOH is a type of digital advertising that allows you to buy and place digital ads on digital out-of-home screens in real time. This can be done through an ad exchange, which uses an open marketplace model where publishers make their inventory available to advertisers and buyers. Talking of programmatic DOOH advertising, every brand has a chance of making its campaign into a dynamic model that helps them in choosing the right advertisement at the right

Benefits of Programmatic DOOH:

Programmatic DOOH provides a wide range of benefits to advertisers, including-

Increased ROI. Programmatic DOOH allows advertisers to target their campaigns more precisely, resulting in better and more efficient targeting. This will enable them to achieve a higher return on investment (ROI) while also reducing their cost per impression (CPM).

Increased sales. With increased targeting, advertisers can reach their ideal customer base with relevant messages that increase sales conversions. By generating more leads and engaging customers at the right time during the buying cycle, they can convert more visitors into paying customers through programmatic DOOH advertising campaigns.

Increased brand awareness and audience engagement. By showing your message consistently across multiple screens on which consumers spend time, you can engage with potential clients and build trust over time by providing useful information about your products or services—which may lead them back into brick-and-mortar stores to purchase something they saw advertised using this technology.

Advertising through DOOH advertising

Use Programmatic DOOH to target audiences with greater degrees of accuracy and flexibility.

Programmatic DOOH allows you to target audiences with greater degrees of accuracy and flexibility than ever before.

More precise targeting: Programmatic DOOH lets you reach specific audiences, rather than broad categories of people. This enables you to reach consumers who are more likely to be interested in your products or services. For example, a sports brand could use programmatic DOOH to serve ads at sporting events where thousands of potential customers will see it—not just during the big game but also at warm-up periods and halftime shows.

Greater flexibility: You’re no longer limited by fixed rules about when and where your ads can appear; instead, you can choose from an infinite number of options for where and when the ad will run based on factors such as location or time of day (or even how near the customer is). For example, if there’s one store within five miles that sells a certain product but none closer than ten miles away, then having access to all those extra locations gives companies more options for reaching their target audience members with information about new products or promotions.

Know Your Audience: While digital signage itself can create dynamic, on-brand experiences, media networks, and advertisers will get the most from these assets with the right analytics. A modern outdoor media strategy draws from the data collected every moment of the day as consumers walk by or engage with digital signage. By putting this data to work, media networks can better serve their buyers, and advertisers can engage in more meaningful ways with their audiences.

Content is king: In the world of digital media and content consumption, video reigns supreme. However, in the majority of cases, the sound will not be heard. Your video content must convey the message with or without sound. Additionally, you should create custom content for your DOOH campaigns. People in public respond to advertising differently than at home. Your content should consider your audience, context, and viewing environment to maximize engagement. This is a great example of the real-world use of digital advertising. The number of reductions increases and decreases as the temperature changes.


Consider a future in which billboards dynamically show advertising tailored to each individual as they pass by. Consider advertising that is dynamically sold in real-time auctions and shown across the city in a couple of minutes. Consider a scenario in which outdoor real-time marketing is truly real-time, and billboards alter dynamically based on the time of day or weather. The changeover may alter the typical out-of-home advertising purchasing procedure; DOOH, as opposed to OOH, eliminates human intermediaries and sluggish, manual insertion orders. We're on the fast track to a world where robots are designed to buy advertisements.

Differences Between the DOOH and OOH : OOH


  1. The advertisements are static

  1. The advertisements have visuals with motion

  1. Cost efficient

  1. Cost saving

  1. Non-eco-friendly3

  1. Eco-friendly

  1. No flexibility in changing the advertisements

  1. The flexibility of changing ads at anytime

  1. Targeting media that offers massive areal reach, but can also be linked to having local relevance and being able to target niche audiences

  1. Targeting is very effective, which has more capacity to target large areas including demographic, geographic, and income groups

Targeting and measuring advertisements is a little challenging:

Announcement targeting, dimension, and criterion are kindly grueling. Again, because OOH advertisements are physical media operating in a one- to- numerous terrain, there's no way to target individualities nor conduct advanced criteria as is done in the online world with eyefuls and device IDs. DOOH announcement targeting will probably involve reaching a certain demographic at a certain time grounded on data collected from the terrain, rather than targeting individualities. Also with criterion, marketers could simply look at the number of prints an OOH announcement entered and compare it to transformations during all stages of a crusade. The times of information and data collected for DOOH targeting and analytics vary, but generally include data from:

Ticket deals from musicals, sporting events, etc.

IR detectors are placed near the entrances of structures(e.g. shopping promenades).

Third-party dimension companies, similar to Nielsen.

Detectors and cameras from companies like Quividi.

Mobile position data from announcement exchanges and data brokers.

DOOH juggernauts can also be tied to rainfall and time-of-day data, similar to showing an announcement for haze on a cold autumn day.

Still, as DOOH progresses, there will no doubt be advancements in targeting and criterion to help ameliorate the effectiveness of digital out-of-home announcement juggernauts.

DOOH strategies are important for the following reasons:

Getting noticed, now no longer blocked:

Observation suggests that 26% of internet customers had set up advert blockers on their computer systems and 15% had advert blockers on their phones. Consumers who deploy advert blockers make it more difficult for entrepreneurs to provide a customized experience. DOOH is unskippable and resilient to the hurdles confronted with the aid of using online advertising, therefore integrating those structures will create a possibility to increase your reach, maximizing a greater unique targeting, without getting blocked. Moreover, humans spend greater than 70% of their waking regions out of the home - traveling, shopping, working, eating - Locations wherein they're much more likely to be uncovered to outside bodily advertising.

Associating offline advertisements with a web name to motion:

People are usually on the move, as a result, entrepreneurs must supply an impactful enjoyment for the duration of their marketing campaign so they can maintain their purchasers at the pinnacle in their minds. DOOH has the cap potential to power online moves via a promo code or name-to-motion (CTA) at the OOH media. It's most effective for human beings to begin looking at their cell after they notice a thrilling door ad. Innovative and impactful billboard creatives are similarly crucial to capture the purchaser's attention.

Standing out with crowd-pleasing messages:

While a web platform is a first-rate device to expand a DOOH marketing campaign, the alternative is simply as essential as well. A precise and innovative doors marketing campaign can quickly grow to be a web sensation, giving the truth that the entirety is now best a click away. Integrating social media marketing campaigns with DOOH boosts logo visibility and helps your logo to face out from others.

What do you think could happen to digital signage today?

Despite all the challenges mentioned above, several companies are actively exploring programmatic technology and implementing variations of it in digital media services beyond their homes.


While it's not possible to precisely target ads specifically to a select audience of dozens (not 100 random viewers), scheduling at least gives DOOH the ability to show ads. at times when the target audience is most likely to see it, potentially resulting in a great performance and better communication deals.


In digital, the buyer tracks a cookie or device ID to target an individual. It's not that simple with digital OOH. Location data extracted from opt-in audiences is essential for the execution of advertising in DOOH - as well as its planning, targeting, and measurement. Today, many OOH vehicle sellers, buyers, and sellers use mobile location data to measure DOOH vehicles. Tamoco, a data company that provides location-based advertising solutions, can help companies measure the effectiveness of DOOH advertising campaigns using several data points and sensors (e.g. e.g. GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth). Other providers like Placed (a location-based data company now owned by Snap, Inc., the owner of the social app Snapchat) offer to match registered users' location data with online advertisements and their success rates. By tapping into their rich user data, Snap, Inc. can track the activity of some 150 million devices and see how their ads displayed across all of their vehicles translate into purchases.

One of Snap's cross-channel allocation capabilities is the early implementation of DOOH allocation. Its first working example is Snap to Store, which can attribute store traffic to the ads displayed on its platform.


While it's not possible to target ads on an individual basis with DOOH, it does allow for effective mobile retargeting. For example, OOH media providers can use geofencing, i.e. creating a virtual geographic boundary around the picture using GPS or RFID technology (or both) to trigger a response when mobile devices enter or leave the vicinity of an array.

This way, they can send personalized and retargeted messages to every consumer who has walked past the board. This isn't science fiction - Clear Channel has been retargeting mobile users through its Radar program since early last year. Radar uses aggregated and anonymized mobile data from privacy-respecting third-party data providers to better understand the movements of specific customer segments around the city and recommend the best DOOH location to reach them.

Higher ad engagement:

Advertisers and agencies have the opportunity to take advantage of the initial opportunities offered by DOOH and use them to increase awareness and drive conversions. Over the past decade, engagement with online display ads has declined, resulting in a click-through rate (CTR) of less than 1%. This is due to the onslaught of online ads and gives rise to software like ad blockers and phenomena like banner blindness.

Why Industries Are Trusting DOOH Advertising?
  • The majority of industries are heavily relying on Digital Out of Home Advertising [DOOH] for marketing their businesses. DOOH offers unimaginable attention-grabbing and high-impact formats for consumers. DOOH advertising is a very popular way of marketing for industries such as automotive, retail, jewelry, restaurant business, healthcare, hotel industry, manufacturing, and many more.

How will DOOH evolve in the future?

The current implementations are just a preview of what will be possible with DOOH in the future. Digital outdoor advertising operators will soon be trying to get ahead of themselves and provide the most reliable targeting and omnichannel capabilities, all made possible through technological innovation.

About the Author

Bellplus Media is singularly focused on Digital Out of Home Advertising services. Our primary objective is to substantially increase a company’s brand recognition and exposure through strategic digital advertising modes.

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Author: Bellplus Media

Bellplus Media

Member since: Sep 22, 2022
Published articles: 2

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