Before, the business of Amazon revolves around book selling. As it grows worldwide, Amazon became the biggest e-commerce industry over the globe. One of the services that Amazon offers is its film...
Subtitling is a kind of business service that involves adaptation of the dialogue from the existing source language to the target language. The appropriate subtitles are created to convey the exact...
What is Captioning? Captioning is the use of written texts used to express dialogues and describe scenes occurring on the screen. It differs from subtitles as such that it is more informative...
Things to Consider While Choosing Spanish Language Captioning Spanish is one of the most recognized languages spoken by people around the world. But, there are many people with no knowledge of this...
Executive @ vanancaptioning Being an active novelist and a translator, David C Mullett is one of the few experts to have written books about controversial subjects such as politics, religion, stereotypes, etc.