Qadira Qad
Member since: Oct 12, 2015
Published articles: 24
Note: What you are gna read below are ONLY my personal views and opinions about the game, and you should take no offense from them. If you are a die-hard Hunter X Online fan who will get hurt seeing...
Pokemon Mega is classic retro game for office worker.Around 20,000 people attended the weekend event, including many visitors who flew in, but technical issues upstaged the hype and broke the...
Are we "beginning our migration towards a networked sensorium" as ‘The Guardian’ put it? Even if pokemon online loses its charm over the next few months, these questions will remain. Yesterday...
Before long, members of the Atari Age forums noticed that the circuitry inside the console is a near-exact match for a game one piece online Capture Card for PCs. If you read creator Yohsuke Tamori's...
Today i’ll tell you a news about One Piece Ultimate War, "One Piece Ultimate War Closed Beta Arriving on April 7, 2016". As the game is developed by the GoGames, players can enjoy the authentic...
As for the online-only sound chip, it’s not clear whether the six available sounds will be based on the human language-speaking Meowth seen in the TV show. We’re willing to find out, though, because...
This causes the game's poorer balance to shine through, as some pirateking characters are effectively invincible while others have to struggle to survive. Each character has an associated skill chart...
You want to bring us to trial? Your thread has been filtered for a keyword that reaches this criteria. We've recently been hit with an increased amount of one piece tower defense accounts. This has...
Not everyone is convinced. pokemon games online?The deal doesn’t mesh with SoftBank’s investment strategy set out by former president Nikesh Arora, said Atul Goyal, an analyst at Jefferies Group. So...
Meanwhile, the latest "One Piece" episode aired last Sunday, Oct. 18 in Japan, and one piece treasure shows Princess Mansherry captured by the Donquixote executive after hearing about her incredible healing powers.