What is SEO? SEO is the process of optimizing a website for Google search with the goal of earning higher web traffic levels and improving the visibility of the site. SEO includes both on-page...

From the time that Facebook acquired Instagram, it has become more popular. Now, Instagram is a pacesetter to various businesses and lifestyles, with some 500 million daily active users worldwide...

Nowadays, there is something missing from a lot of content. Yes, it is the clarity that can either make or break your content. Clarity implies that your content is easy to understand. If your readers...

Definition of KB: Types and Benefits of Complete ContraceptionBased on Law No.10 of 1992 (concerning population development and the development of a prosperous family) is an effort of increasing...

Understanding of CBC According to Expertsin the world of education it is certainly not unfamiliar with the word KBK, which stands for competency-based curriculum. CBC is a combination of skills...

Definition of Statistics According to ExpertsModenhallStatistics is one of the fields of science that deals with the extraction of information, from numerical data and is used to make decisions from...

Poetry is a medium in the form of writing to express the feelings or thoughts of the writer. Many examples of poetry written by famous poets, which contain about feelings with deep meaning. Poetry is...

Talking about the type of art based on its dimensions, there is what is called 2-dimensional or two-dimensional art and 3-dimensional (3D) art. Twimatra or 2-dimensional art is a work of art formed by...

There are many kinds of arts that can be found, especially in Indonesia, one of which is art. The name is indeed not as familiar as the art, music and dance. However, when seen clearly, craft art is a...

One branch of fine art that is often used as souvenirs when traveling is sculpture. Sculpture itself is a three-dimensional art which is considered to have high aesthetic value. The manufacturing...

Dance is a work of art in the form of dance gestures accompanied by beautiful rhythms. Dance is certainly no stranger to us, because there are many concerts and festivals that present dance...

Talking about art will be an endless story. The reason, Art has a variety of categories that have been divided by type, type, form, shape, and others. Art is a necessity of life so that humans feel...

Pure art is an art form whose manufacture prioritizes aesthetic values??over functional values. Fine art is more a work of art with the basis of drawing and designing such as paintings, graphic arts...

Understanding Theater ArtsTheater art is art that can only be enjoyed only when a performance is in progress. The beauty that is enjoyed from the theater includes visual and audio beauty, in contrast...

Definition of Applied ArtsIn the art branch there are several types in it, one of which is applied art. Applied art is a work of art that has practical and aesthetic functions. That is, the results of...