Anthem Asia, one of an investor and advisory group who has been doing business in Myanmar invests in a new Tech Startups PR and Digital Marketing Agency in Myanmar, according to the company...
As the former capital city of Myanmar, street food in Yangon takes the opposite direction, as the restaurants makeshift sidewalk scattered on the roads one set and you need to ask question like Where...
Extrovert provides Myanmar company incorporation services from either Bangkok or Yangon, depending on your preference. Please contact us for a free consultation about your corporate service...
A group of talented young people in Myanmar starting-up Web and Mobile App called MyLann, Food and Restaurants Directory in Yangon and some of major city in Myanmar. Now, they are focus on maximize...
Ramadan has started a food delivery service called Yangon Door2Door, often only Small business is referred to as D2D, in 2013, the first of its kind in Myanmar Employee about 25 people, including...
Digital Marketing, Social media marketing, Internet marketing and SEO service in Myanmar are the new marketing buzz words of the developed countries around the world. Now, Myanmar is catching up...
A two part series on the challenges and solutions for companies in Myanmar seeking to find and retain staff - Part 1: Myanmar – the HR Perspective For existing business in Myanmar and those starting...
Further advice for HR – find staff and be the envy of your competitors – HR policies to keep staff. Let us be open on this matter: it may not be possible to keep all employees but by creating the...
Are you boring eating local food in Myanmar (Burma)? You may have been dining in Burmese restaurant, Chinese restaurant and some Western restaurants but when it comes to German food there will be a...
The adoption of the microfinance law in 2011 led to a rapid influx of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Myanmar. In December 2015 there were more than 256 MFIs operating in Myanmar, all competing to...
The companies registered at the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) must report to the nearest Company Administration Department before September 14 with a letter stating that...
In this week’s case study, our client, XYZ B.V., asked us if it is possible to send an executive employee to Yangon to conduct market research before their new company has been approved and registered...
Myanmar Plus is one of the digital agency in Myanmar founded by Jouni Helminen who is originally from Finland Country and now live in London and Yangon. Jouni Helminen is a web design and technology...
Myanmar reached another financial milestone in its path to economic reforms as local authorities upgraded their existing administrative practice to accommodate the registration of international...
Singapore-based Italian casual dining chain PastaMania to open new restaurants in Yangon, Myanmar.Directed by 3,300 square feet and occupies two floors of a building in the Inya street in the...
Author Bio
Digital Kaway is a one of fast growing Digital Marketing Agency in Myanmar and we offer digital works such as social media marketing, search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing.