Chris Tyrel
Member since: Sep 25, 2013
Published articles: 22

Thinking about buying your first car? This can be an exciting time in your life. Owning a car for the first time is a freeing experience. No more relying on unreliable public transit, or even worse...

Skydiving has become such a popular sport that it really isn’t “extreme” enough anymore. Now (more than ever) people are looking for a thrill like no other. If you are looking to find a unique way to...

For city slickers, having a car can be an expensive luxury that many don’t see the need for. With extensive public transit systems, many feel that having a car is an unnecessary expense. But times...

We have all been there, over paying for oil changes that we know we could do ourselves if we would have just paid a little more attention in grade 9 auto class. Or when your windshield wiper breaks...

The Ford Pinto is world famous for being the worst car ever made in history. What made this car so bad that it is internationally known as a death trap.Its real claim to vehicular infamy is a design...

For most people driving your sedan through a muddy, rocky forest would be a living nightmare. But for some, it is their Sunday afternoon pastime. Except instead of a sedan, it’s a large jeep they have...

For many Canadians their vehicle is a critical element to their everyday lives. This is especially important for landscapers and contractors. These are the men and woman that don’t clock out at 5pm...

We all know (and most love) the Fast and the Furious Franchise. Once we admit this, we then must admit that it’s not that acting that gets us to the theaters to see each installment but rather the...

The sport of Drifting is catching on like wildfire all over the world, and that’s not exactly surprising considering it carries the most entertainment value of any motorsport out there. Even F1 has...

Men everywhere have been arguing about this topic in basements, garages and parking lots for years. But today, there are more opinions and more choices then ever before. Most of us can only ever dream...

Unless you have a specific use for your car, for example if you are a landscaper and need your vehicle to be able to move heavy equipment day in and day out, the majority of city dwellers are looking...

Canadian winters can be a scary thing to drive through. Many Canadian drivers want to prepare the best they can for anything that may come their way. This includes having jumper cables, first aid...

There are sports fans and then there are soccer fans. Many fans do the same thing, they paint their faces, go to every game and defend their team with more enthusiasm than they do their own families...

Have you ever pictured yourself speeding down the highway in a beautiful car (perhaps with a beautiful girl in the passenger seat) with a convoy offive cops chasing you like you see in your favorite...

Hey you want a Ferrari (don’t we all) except in this cause you have the money, so shouldn’t it be as easy as buying a Honda? You’d think so, but you’re wrong. You can’t just walk into a Ferrari...
Author Bio
The sport of Drifting is catching on like wildfire all over the world, and that’s not exactly surprising considering it carries the most entertainment value of any motorsport out there.