Ihus Web
Member since: Jun 09, 2017
Published articles: 7
Microblogging is one of the latest broadcast mediums to have taken over the world. Born out of the need to produce content in digestible chunks for a fast-paced world, it demands quality over...
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has evolved over the years and the strategies have also changed with time. Yes in 2017, you still need good content and quality backlinks but there are plenty of other...
The days when websites churn out content with the right keywords sprinkled carefully all over the page are numbered. These are still good for getting picked up by search engines but this is no longer...
What is OHSAS 18001:2007? OHSAS 18000, short for Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series, is a family of standards that are designed to promote a safe and healthy environment for the...
What is ISO 10002?ISO 10002 is a widely recognised Quality Management System that belongs to the family of ISO international standard for customer complaint management. It provides guidelines to...
The last few years have witnessed the emergence of several new and powerful technologies. Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Blockchain...
Hard skills are also called technical skills or technical knowledge. These skills can be learned and studied to get certain jobs in a particular sector. Typically, these hard skills are listed on your...
Author Bio
IHuS is an Smo Content Writing Firm which provides customised and cost-effective solutions designed to produce results.