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Montiy Morish

Member since: Apr 24, 2014
Published articles: 5

Five Online Dating Mistakes That Nobody Needs to Make

Dating on the internet doesn’t come naturally to everyone – if it did, you wouldn’t need advice sites like this one! Some of the mistakes people make are important learning experiences, sure – but...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services May 04, 2014
Five Tips for Dating Online Without Being a Jerk

Dating online can be something of a minefield, particularly because it has its own etiquette that not everywhere shares. Even if you've carefully looked at your options, read your dating site reviews...

Articles > Home & Garden > Gardening May 04, 2014
Five Ways to Date Online Without Getting Bored

While there’s a lot of fun to be had with internet dating, it’s not unfair to say that it can sometimes feel a little dull and endless. All those profiles, all those faces that don’t distinguish...

Articles > Internet > Web Design May 04, 2014
Five Things Gblt People Should Know About Online Dating

On the face of it, online dating is perfect for the LGBT communities - not least because it can sometimes be difficult for people in those demographics to meet compatible others, and the internet...

Articles > Home & Garden > Gardening May 04, 2014
The Five Most Fundamental Pieces of Online Dating Advice

If you’ve never tried finding someone online before, you might be feeling a little in need of a 101 – which is why this list exists. This stuff isn’t rocket science, but it should help you avoid some...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Opportunities May 04, 2014

Author Bio

Don’t get so caught up in the quest for fun and perfection that you miss the perfectly wonderful ordinary person right in front of you who could change your life.