How can you get cheap venues for a Frozen Birthday Party?With Frozen and Frozen 2 being so popular amongst children, you'll likely have to consider throwing a Frozen themed birthday party at some...

If you’re a new parent, you’ve undoubtedly come across the infamous DockATot. It’s often praised as a must have sleeping product for your baby.Related: If you’re considering the DockATot, but don’t...

Your entertainment category on your budget is probably the easiest way to save money and yet, it's often the most difficult to adjust to.You need that balance - that element of "living your life" for...

For children, the summer is traditionally meant for play, rest and relaxation from a long school year. There's beautiful weather and it's nice for your children to be outdoors getting more sunlight...

Money is a topic often learned from your parents. There are many aspects to money like how to earn it, save it, and grow it.What's important in all these aspects is your money mindset. An important...

You’ve probably heard the phrase frugal living over and over again. Frugal living is when you choose to spend less – when you choose a thriftier lifestyle – regardless of how much money you have in...

I love podcasts! I'm a regular listener to podcasts across several niches like business, marketing and motherhood. There are some excellent podcasts like NPR's How I Built This, Smart Passive Income...

The last stage of pregnancy can be a stressful and emotional time. If it's your first, you're likely anxious about the childbirth experience. You might be wondering, what does a contraction feel like...

Preparing your nursery is a special time for any parent.It's easy to go overboard and spend money on more than what you need. As a parent, you want to give your child everything and then some. There...

Where to Find Home School Curriculums Finding budget-friendly options for your homeschool curriculum is a great way to save money while educating your kids. But finding a cheap curriculum is sometimes...

Even if you buy the best budget planner available, you still need to go through the steps of tracking your income, expenses and savings, understanding your financial situation and setting budgeting...
Author Bio
Hi! I'm Jacqueline. I write about making and saving more money, frugal living, and parenting money tips at www.mommoneymap.com.