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Articles Reference & Education College & University
The Scope of Management

The whole concept of management started with desire. All the humans have their own wish and desire, but no individual can satisfy their own need. Therefore people started to work together to fulfill...

Steve Krish Aug 10, 2012
The Scope of Marketing

Marketing is something which plays an invisible role in each and every human’s life. It has the ability to change one’s life tremendously. The best part of the marketing is that only the marketing...

Steve Krish Aug 10, 2012
Importance of Assignments

Students in colleges and universities are given assignments on a periodical basis on the subjects that they enrol or study. For instance if they have taken statistics as part of their study, they will...

Steve Krish Aug 10, 2012
The Scope of Economics

Economics is the study of human life and work, not the whole of it. How a person is born, grows and dies is biological science whereas economics is a study of how man utilizes his limited resources to...

Steve Krish Aug 11, 2012
The Scope of Studying Corporate Finance

People might wonder why there is a huge requirement for corporate finance graduates and there are numerous reasons for it. Any corporation will have a lot of financial issues and it has to be managed...

Steve Krish Jul 08, 2012
The Structure and Scope of Accounting

Accounting is an art of recording, summarizing, classifying, analyzing interpreting and communicating the result of the transaction and events in relation to finance. In accounting the first and...

Steve Krish Jul 08, 2012
Career in Fashion Designing: Lucrative Opportunity for the Creative Youth

A career in fashion designing is a trending career these days. With an increasing global demand, there is an improvement in the attention given to this career opportunity. Visibly, fashion these days...

Joy Lord Jul 11, 2012
How Design Colleges Are Competent in India?

Creativity is a ‘God’s Gift’ that must not be hurdle by lack of knowledge. If you feel that you have lovely gift given by God then get up and give wings of imagination that easily covers the whole sky...

Joy Lord Oct 11, 2012
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