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Easy tips to taste success in the MLM business

Author: Ketan Chhabani
by Ketan Chhabani
Posted: Nov 16, 2016

Finding success in the highly competitive MLM industry is not easy. But by being enthusiastic, focused, consistent, and hungry for knowledge, you will surely be ahead of the market.

Every person wants to become successful and get rich, but every rich and successful person will vouch for the fact that there are no easy pathways to success. However, we beg to differ! While we may not have a road that will let you hop, skip and jump to success, we have definitely figured a way to make the journey easier.

Why do you do whatever you do?

It is very important to be clear about your business’ raison d'être,.i.e., the reason for your existence. Why are you doing it? We all want to get rich, but how are you making your consumers’ and sponsor’s life easy? How do you plan to do that?

For this, you must be crystal clear about your company’s objective, mission statement and its positioning. This will help you attract the right employees, distributors, sponsors and consumers.

Be laser focused

Being clear about your path lets you easily understand who your target consumer is. This lets you chart an effective marketing plan for the maximum return on your investment. After knowing your exact target group, decide on a marketing strategy and implement it to the T. It could be for Facebook, article marketing, video marketing, blogging, etc.

Building your business from here will help you to scale up your brand easily as your consumers now know where to find you. They know the product and are aware of the medium you are available on. Hence engaging them will be easier.

Being focused has other advantages like being able to recruit marketing specialists who excel in a particular medium and this will help you to save money of marketing generalists who is aware of all mediums. This results in a quick turnaround of your investment in that medium.

A lot of sponsors are unsuccessful and complain that their personal relationships have gone bad after joining an MLM. The reason is that they have not identified who their target market is. They have tried to sell their products and business plans to everyone who is close to them. Not for a second did they pause to think whether they are the relevant market for the products. This is one of the biggest hurdles in the way of running a successful MLM business.


There is nothing more infectious than enthusiasm. This is true not just for an MLM business but for other businesses as well. Whether you set out to achieve a personal or professional goal, your enthusiasm will automatically make the journey smoother. It is your enthusiasm and your confidence that attracts people to you. When you are in your early stages and still an unproven concept, people have to trust in you to join you. Your success depends on YOU! Nothing else can convince others but this.

This truly appeals to the curious nature of human beings. It is your enthusiasm that actually convinces people to break the ice and to try your product once. Your enthusiasm also helps you build a stronger personal brand that lets you punch above your perceptive weight. Once you feel that you have a strong equity in the market, you must organize meetups to let people get a look and feel of your products. The main purpose of these events will be to let them feel your enthusiasm.

Listen, learn, implement and distribute

All things will never go as per plan, you will never have all the answers. For this you have to keep your eyes and ears open for any information that you can come across. Be open to listening. This is one thing which many people fail to do. Being a good listener is very important as there can be no learning without listening. You can learn from books, seminars, online tutorials or from the experiences of your uplines, sidelines or downlines.

Experiences are the best to learn from as you can easily incorporate them. By implementing and sharing the knowledge that you have, people look up to you and start following you for the things that you do. They will also be more engaged and inclined to share what they learn. This is a positive cycle that ensures that more distributors, sponsors and prospective sponsors admire you for your leadership, motivation, knowledge and skills about the business.

Also, listening is an important habit you need to inculcate to run a successful MLM business. If you are not a keen listener and are someone who goes just by the book, this may not be the business for you. A successful network marketer believes in gathering any and every bit of information possible and sharing it with anyone and everyone.


As they say, "Rome was not built in a day". No MLM business can be built without strictly adhering to your plan. The most important point of all is consistency. Knowing what to do and doing it occasionally does not help. One should follow his laid out path strictly. It must be done everyday and there should be no deviation from it unless there is a better way to do it.

Walking the talk helps you to build trust with your customers and sponsors. This is very important in an industry where a lot of MLM companies shut down very fast. Every rule must be followed by each member of your team to ensure that there is no discrepancy in what you see and what people see.

Businesses are not built easily. You need to keep at it for a few years at least in order to see any results. Not having a planned and well thought out strategy is a challenge, but not implementing it is sheer stupidity. Famous actor, Bruce Lee’s words can be quoted very aptly here, "I am not afraid of the 1000 kicks you practiced once, but of that 1 kick you practiced a 1000 times".

IT Softwares

When putting in the long hours, it is extremely important to save time wherever you can. Networking, meeting people, making sales pitches and presentations are definitely not something you can ignore or avoid to do. However, automating all the functions of your business can certainly work wonders.

If you are wondering why you shouldn’t just hire someone and get the reports daily, remember, it makes more sense to hire somebody who can get you sales rather than someone who gives you reports. This lets you be aware of what is going on in your company at any point of time with a snap of your fingers. Remember, Time= Money

DNB MLM Softwares is one such software in the MLM industry that is trusted by the best in the business. With features for inventory management, downline management, details of incentives and payouts etc., the software is suited for every MLM business model can easily be customized to account for the unique needs of your MLM company. It can help your business effectively measure its performance against the set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to understand the Return on Investment that you are getting, thus enabling you to take better business decisions. Of course, you can generate as many reports as you like and do much more to improve the effectiveness of your business.


In a tough industry and a tougher economy, stating afloat is always a challenge. But with the aforesaid easy to implement tips, your journey of running an MLM business will seem far smoother.

About the Author

Dnb Management Applications. provides customize software product development services to its customers. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of software solution and services.

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Author: Ketan Chhabani

Ketan Chhabani

Member since: Sep 28, 2015
Published articles: 12

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