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7 Advantages of Creating Your Travel Website

Author: Maulik Shah
by Maulik Shah
Posted: Oct 21, 2021

In earlier times, when websites were not present, the job of travel agent was hectic. They had to manage everything by making phone calls to the customers or by personally meeting them.They had to complete several processes like:

  • Gathering customer details
  • Passing tour details to customers
  • Handling customer queries on-call
  • Distributing pamphlets

But now, with the help of technology, management is much easier than before. So, why not take advantage?

Advantages of Creating a Travel Website

  • Tour Operators Can Help in Adding Multiple Tour Details

The foremost thing that customers expect to know from any travel agency is what kind of tours they are offering. So, the complete list of domestic and international tours that travel agencies offer can provide a complete idea to the customers. It helps them find their dream destination and proceed further with that.

  • Upload Destination Details with HD Images:

Once the customer selects the particular location, you can provide them basic destination details such as:

  • Where is the destination located
  • What it is known for
  • The historic significance of that place
  • What one can explore there
  • Cost of that particular tour

All these factors indirectly influence customers to visit and explore that place. Interactive HD images play a vital role in influencing customers, as images speak louder than words in the traveling industry. Also, travel operators can upload videos of previous tours on the website with testimonials. This helps to form a good impression on the visitor at first sight.

  • Itinerary Details of Particular Tour

This is the most crucial parameter for the customers. Before booking any tour, travelers want to know the day-wise attractions that the travel agency will be covering. So, they get a complete idea regarding what they will get to see and how long their tour will last, etc. Itinerary details include every detail with timings about all the different spots that would be covered in the trip.

  • Upcoming Tours Details

If customers are happy with their previous traveling experience with your company, then they must be eager to know about all the upcoming tours. So, you can make this information available to them easily. How? You can showcase all the details, including dates, price, accommodation, etc., on the website itself.

This information will also help in increasing your website's traffic. Also, there is a possibility that they might have some queries regarding details. For that you can invest in a travel portal solution for gathering all the queries at one place. This way your support staff don’t have to switch to different mediums for answering queries.

Here, you can also offer a membership discount or an offer for their next trip to make them travel with your agency more. This way you can turn people and families into your loyal travelers.

  • Travel Operators Can Share Any Notice

The website can be useful as a perfect platform to reach your customers with valuable information. If the travel agency is not taking any tour during a specific period, then they can convey these details through their website. This will keep their customers informed about details. You can hire experts for travel portal development with which you can have all the contacts, email ids, etc., in one space. So, you just need to make groups and send the notice or important messages to all in one click.

  • Availability of Search Option

This is also an important parameter on the website. If you have a website with several web pages, then it becomes very tough for the customer to search for what they are actually looking for. So, with the presence of a search option, they can just type the destination they want to explore, and the result will pop up immediately. This will provide a good user experience to the customers and will increase their chances of coming back to your website.

  • Give Virtual Tour Option

This is another fancy feature that tour operators should take advantage of. A virtual tour is a functionality that involves simulation of original location by creating videos or HD images on the website. This way users can explore the destination as if they are experiencing it in real life. Eventually, all this will inspire them to have a real tour of that place.

Any travel website that has all the above-mentioned factors will serve as a complete package to the customers. It helps in all the areas like communication, visibility, engagements, etc.

About the Author

Mr. Maulik Shah is the founder & CEO of CRMJetty, a hub of innovative customer relationship solutions, provides ready to CMS integrate portal solutions for SuiteCRM, Sugar CRM, Salesforce, and Dynamics CRM including WordPress Customer Portal.

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Author: Maulik Shah

Maulik Shah

Member since: Mar 12, 2019
Published articles: 120

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