Nowadays, Salesforce has developed into a leading CRM solution for many businesses and enterprises internationally, assisting them in enhancing efficiency and achieving specific financial goals. You...
Online marketing is the new phase of the digital era. Connecting with people is the core of any business and online marketing is the heart. To connect with a large customer base you have started using...
Managing vendors successfully is the key to success for any business. In this article, we will explore what supplier management and its benefits and the best practices for the same. Supplier...
If you have a business, it means you need to have smooth and clear communication. You can keep the communication intact through a live chat system. Otherwise, you can implement a ticket system, where...
Today there is not a single industry which is untouched by technology. New things are coming in tech to bring ease to different industries like tech, automobiles, banking sector, etc. Nowadays what...
In today’s time creating, supporting, and deploying customer portal integrated with your Dynamics 365 instance is very easy. In Dynamics 365 portal, your customers get an online platform to...
Suppliers are an important pillar in any organization. Success depends on efficient and effective ways of procurement functions. Today purchasers interact with vendors from across the globe to meet...
According to research carried out by Gartner, more than 25 billion devices will be connecting by 2020. And, here we are, already in 2020.As per the Gartner's research, IoT forms a connection between...
Remember when you were a kid and tried to learn how to ride a bicycle? And then there was no stopping you. How you didn’t want any support from your parents and wanted to do it by yourself? Why...
Travelling is like an appraisal check; people await and work for it. But like appraisals, with travelling too people have expectations that they work for. And you don't want them to regret expecting...
The key to catering to your customers is putting yourself in their shoes. You are a customer of a lot of products and services and if you are critical about the service you get, you should be just as...
Have you thought about the outcome of a bad customer experience? It can cost your business and even affect the customer base. A research says that 25% of customers will switch the provider after one...
Websites are the face of your business but maintaining that face requires a customer portal. Simply having customers be interested in your business is not enough. You have to have a way to be able to...
According to research, 69% of customers want to resolve their issues on their own. 63% start with an online search or resources when they have a problem. This is because it saves their time from...
Today, owning a real estate company is the most fulfilling job. But you should have an internet presence if you wanted to experience that in 2021. 93% of prospective homebuyers look for houses online...
Author Bio
Mr. Maulik Shah is the founder & CEO of CRMJetty, a hub of innovative customer relationship solutions, provides ready to CMS integrate portal solutions for SuiteCRM, Sugar CRM, Salesforce, and Dynamics CRM including WordPress Customer Portal.