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Most of the organizations implement some or other kind of agile methodology in their ways of managing initiatives, right from waterfall project methods on one end to pure agile methods on the other...

The talent management is quite vital to organizations, bringing with this, absolutely new challenges and visibility. Along with the enhanced competition, changing workforce demographics, talent...

Pursuing and achieving an ISO certification in the UAE sends a strong message to your competitors and clients that your business is dedicated to certain principles. Whether your organization is...

Not everyone has what it takes to start a property management business. What do people lack? A clear and enthusiastic vision, of course. As opposed to others, you’ve managed to conquer your fear of...

Businesses in the United Kingdom have cash flow issues - in other words, they spend more money than they earn. Customers don’t pay their invoices on time, in spite of the fact that there has been a...

Have you ever wondered how billionaires invest their money? How they continue to get RICHER, while the rest of the world is struggling?After 40 years in New York managing Hedge Funds or Funds of Hedge...

SWOT is an acronym of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and as these titles suggest it is not purely a method used for controlling areas of planning and risk but it is also used to...

Very few project plans are simple and straightforward because there are often so many contributing factors to take into account. What exactly are all the tasks that will be required and how long will...

Plenty of information is available about the best ways for a project manager to manage risk within a complex project. How best to communicate those risks to stakeholders and how to mitigate or avoid...

Private companies and government organisations involved in running large projects, or many smaller projects at the same time, already recognise the benefits of formal project management but as the...

The key to a perfect business requirements document is a clear, unambiguous definition of what all interested parties (end-users and stakeholders) want the new system or product to provide for them...

Many people embarking on a new project will ask why business requirements analysis is needed. Some may even advocate just "getting started" on the project – a very tempting proposition when the budget...

Any time of the day or night and, literally, wherever you like – at home, travelling or even whilst on holiday – listening to podcasts is the most current way to keep up with the latest news, your...

In project management, every minute counts sometimes. When deadlines are due, projects are going off the tracks or clients are being demanding - time always seems to be of the essence in this...

Within project management, individuals undertaking this tricky profession are often consistently striving for self improvement. Industries are constantly changing, project management courses are...