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The day you get married is something you have dreamed about once and for all. Maybe the unicorns that you had as the primary goal when you were ten have now also been deemed a little over the top, but...
Do you smoke more than ten cigarettes a day? If you do, you need to get out of this harmful habit right now. The best way to quit smoking is to take help of both medications as well as counselling...
Hypnotherapy - an effective therapeutic method allows you to change the painful, harmful for their consequences, representations and replace them with beneficial and positive at the time of finding a...
Autism is a development disorder in which people face difficulty in communicating and interacting with others. The autistic child finds difficulty in managing home and work life. The child also...
The 60601-1 is a standard that relates to the safety of medical electrical equipment. This harmonized standard is recognized by most countries around the world. Existing and new medical devices have...
Each year many seniors are diagnosed with prediabetes. If detected early, seniors can be prevented from developing prediabetes into type 2 diabetes. A few dietary and lifestyle alterations can help...
There is a lot of work that goes into becoming a professional counsellor, starting with time at school, followed by gaining practical experience before becoming fully accredited. There are some...
There are very different approaches around the world when it comes to the treatment of drug addictions. In North America as well as across most of the United Kingdom and Europe, the approach is one of...
Dans le monde, il existe de très nombreuses approches différentes pour traiter la toxicomanie. En Amérique du nord, tout comme dans la plupart du Royaume-Uni et en Europe, l’approche utilisée est un...
Insomnia is also known as ‘anidra’ in Ayurveda. According to Ayurvedic scholars, the ‘pitha’ and the ‘doshas’ are the main reasons for giving you sleepless nights. It is a deprived condition wherein a...
Anxiety Can Be Useful – But Also Difficult To Manage We are all familiar with those telltale symptoms of anxiety – the shaking and trembling, the shortness of breath, the headaches and general...
With good health is associated countless advantages. Those that have sound health are indeed blessed to have it. Sound health implies good family and work place life. However the term good health is a...
@ a:link { color: #0000ff } The spirituality has benefitted many who seek help for emotional trauma. It has always had a positive effect on the life of a person. The Meadows IOP has spiritual...
Tout le monde peut ressentir de l’anxiété, mais de nombreuses personnes ressentent de forts niveaux d’anxiété sur une base régulière. L’anxiété est le sentiment d’être fragile, inquiet, angoissé ou...
A phobia is commonly described as an irrational fear, the symptoms of which may be manageable at times. On certain unfortunate occasions this irrational fear can be so debilitating that the everyday...