Debosree Majumder
Member since: May 29, 2021
Published articles: 132
Life is very much uncertain so an emergency can crop up anytime in anyone's life without prior notice. The most possible emergency in a person's life is an incident like a heart attack or stroke which...
Our dear body goes through many physical changes as we age. These changes are inevitable and include reduced bone density, reduced muscle strength, obesity, poor coordination, and stiff joints. These...
The ability to communicate well is necessary for senior people to avoid emergencies. If our loved ones cannot communicate properly what they need or how they feel, we will be unable to keep them...
Arthritis is a term often used to mean any disorder that affects joints. Symptoms generally include joint pain and stiffness along with redness, warmth, swelling and decreased movement. We often hear...
Serving an aging elderly is a very noble deed but at the same time it can be too hectic and exhausting and for this reason, family caregivers often start developing negative feelings or emotions...
One of the leading causes of hospital readmission is due to lack of assisted support and proper care. The first 72 hours of home after post-hospitalization is very critical for patients. Usually, they...
Senior people can feel stressed out for many reasons; they may experience stress while managing a chronic illness such as diabetes, cancer, etc, or losing loved ones. Sometimes, due to better job...
There is a proverb that says "Health is Wealth", which means if you are fit and fine then you have everything. But as we age, we fall prey to the hands of many chronic diseases like diabetes...
Our beloved seniors need utmost care and concern at home to make themselves feel relaxed and comfortable. But, often their children settle abroad or move to other cities for better job prospects and...
As our loved ones age their ability to perform daily work decreases and they lose the urge to take care of themselves. Moreover, they may suffer from certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s...
Finding the best rehab assistance services for your senior loved ones can be challenging. With various options available, making informed decisions is crucial to ensure they receive the highest...
Depressions in seniors occur due to many reasons such as their children settling abroad for better job prospects, social isolation, and chronic diseases. But, one vital cause of depression is often...
We often hear our beloved seniors complaining about joint pains which are mainly caused due to arthritis. Arthritis is a term often used to mean any disorder that affects joints. Symptoms generally...
Caring for our elderly family members is a responsibility that requires attention and dedication, especially when their children live abroad or in other cities. In such situations, home elder care...
Cholesterol is a type of organic molecule classified under lipids, which are essential components of animal cell membranes. This waxy substance is a sterol, a subgroup of steroids, and is...
Debosree is a professional writer working in the Senior Care Field for quite a long time. She has written many informative blogs and articles on the senior care facilities that are available. He has a great reader base.