Debosree Majumder
Member since: May 29, 2021
Published articles: 138

"Anemia is a certain type of blood disorder in which blood has a reduced ability to carry oxygen due to lower than a normal number of red blood cells, or a reduction in the amount of hemoglobin...

Aging not only affects physical health. It affects a person’s mental health too. As a person starts aging many mental disorders start showing up like memory loss, feeling lonely and depressed...

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the central nervous system that causes tremors and affects movement. The damaged nerve cell in the brain causes dopamine ( a compound present in our body that acts...

Depression is a mood disorder that can cast a shadow of continuous sadness and loss of interest in the lives of seniors. There are many potential triggers for depression in the elderly, such as the...

As people age, their mobility gets restricted and also the energy to do daily activities like cooking, cleaning etc. Sometimes people move abroad or settle in another city for better job prospects and...

Most of us have aging parents or other senior members in our family who often need some sort of special care. But nowadays for better job prospects most of us settle abroad or move to other cities and...

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that causes memory loss and a slow decline in the thinking and reasoning skills of a person. Senior people above the age of 65 are mostly affected by this...

As people age, they face various health issues like heart diseases, respiratory problems, diabetes and many more. Apart from these chronic health issues our beloved seniors may suffer from high fever...

As people age, their mobility and enthusiasm to do any type of work get reduced drastically. Sometimes they become critically ill and need assistance in performing basic needs like bathing, going to...

As summer arrives with its blazing sun and scorching temperatures, it's essential to ensure our senior loved ones stay safe and comfortable indoors. While the heat may limit outdoor activities, it...

Ensuring the well-being of our senior loved ones is crucial, especially when it comes to keeping their hearts healthy through regular physical activity. Aging often decreases energy levels, leading...

As our beloved seniors navigate through life's challenges, finding moments of peace becomes essential for their well-being. From managing health issues to coping with daily stresses, there are simple...

Anemia is a condition where the blood can't carry enough oxygen due to fewer red blood cells or lower hemoglobin levels. While it might not seem serious, studies show it can weaken seniors, make daily...

Loneliness is a growing concern among seniors, and it goes beyond simply feeling alone. It can lead to serious health consequences, both physically and mentally, impacting quality of life. For senior...

Staying active is very important, especially for senior loved ones to keep their heart ticking on a healthy note. As people age their energy to perform any activity decreases. They don’t feel the...
Author Bio
Debosree is a professional writer working in the Senior Care Field for quite a long time. She has written many informative blogs and articles on the senior care facilities that are available. He has a great reader base.