Articles | Relationships | Marriage |

Gone are the days when people used to search for brides and grooms with the help of their relatives and friends. With advancement in technology, people have moved on from the conventional ways of...

Matrimonial websites are commonly seen or misunderstood as ‘desperate attempts’ by the society. The process of advertising oneself still remains a skeptical issue for many Muslims. The elders of the...

An alternative to traditional matchmakers, Buddhist matrimonial portals offer reliable online matchmaking services. These websites have emerged as one of the greatest and easiest ways to find partners...

Gone are the days when people used to rely on their friends, relatives, acquaintances or local marriage agents to search for their perfect life partner. Indian Matrimonial Sites have revolutionized...

In the matter of a wedding or a just as vital occasion, sustenance is the thing that most individuals pay special mind. Nobody can accuse them since it is a human inclination and we all at times fall...

Assuming that one is anticipating a wedding, and then one ought to believe the administrations gave by this spot. What are the arrangements and procedure you are going to adapt? Arranging the wedding...

As mind blowing and complicated as your everyday flash mob appears to be, which to be honest is their ultimate goal, just about any average Joe can arrange for this public song-and-dance routine...

It cannot be denied that there is a whole lot riding on your decision on how to propose. You can try to alleviate some of this insane pressure by deciding that there is just one way to go and one...

It is a recurring opinion among members of western society that, sooner or later, the so-called ‘geeks’ will rise to the forefront of the social ladder and irrevocably take over modern culture and...

Perhaps due to the influence of pop culture in western society, the act of proposing, which, it could be argued, should be seen as a private and intimate moment between two lovers, has become an...

While proposal ceremonies nowadays come in all manner of shapes and sizes, most of them are still directly influenced by the ‘classic’ conception of what a moment of this type should look and feel...

One of the best things about modern society for the F&L Designer Guides staff is how open-minded and imaginative it can be. Younger people nowadays seem determined to defy the stereotypes and clichés...

It is a widely known fact that, when the subject is proposal ideas or inspiration, opinions tend to differ vastly. Some may be apologists of the traditional down-on-one-knee accompanied by a romantic...

The ever-evolving dynamics of relationships, weddings and marriage has opened up a world of opportunity where conformity and social propriety are no longer a couple’s main concern. Most relationships...

Proposing is hard. Everyone knows it. Even when the process does not follow the strict traditional format that includes the cliché getting down-on-one-knee scene, there is still a significant amount...