Dr Scott Pendergraft
Member since: Mar 30, 2015
Published articles: 61

Summary: Not every food in your grandma’s list should be cut off from the list in your diet when you are breastfeeding. Here are some food items that you can enjoy in small quantities. Pregnancy...

Summary: Breast feeding the infants is essential for their immunity and metabolism. Antibiotics however can degrade the growth of immunity in infants. Pregnancy medication includes antibiotics to keep...

Summary: Bleeding gum problems are common during pregnancy. You should not ignore any sign of gum bleeding as it can develop into some serious dental problem. It is quite normal to have bleeding gums...

Depression and women are long in association. In the U.S. alone about 15 million people suffer from depression majority of which consist of women. Depression is a much common problem in women and...

Summary: Everyone tells good stories of pregnancy to, soon to be moms but very few do otherwise. Here are some interesting and weird pregnancy secrets you should know. Begin with pregnancy a lot of...

In order to enjoy an optimal health, minerals are required by women as well as men. These are the vital nutrients that need to be included in your diet. Imbalance of minerals in the women’s body can...

Summary: Nearly 80% of all women face problem of fibroids once in their life. Treatment is not always required until you face the symptoms. Uterine fibroid problem is not a well discussed issue...

Summary: To deal with infertility problems change in your diet can be of great help. Here are some tips on what can help you. Not every time there is need of fertility treatment when you want to...

Summary: Flu fighting is not an easy job for everyone. Find out what little you can do to avoid flues this season all together. Exercising regularly is a health booster for more than one reason. You...

Mums-to-be should fairly keep in mind that a healthy diet is necessary for a healthy baby. What you eat affects the health of your baby and this brings in responsibility to have a healthy and...

Skin problems during pregnancy are not unusual. Women get into unusual anxiety with their skin problems during pregnancy. It is however common to face pregnancy related skin problems. Acne is one of...

Now that you are into the final trimester, you would surely be reading all the stuff related to labour pain, especially if it is the first time. A lot of women in your life have told you their stories...

Bathroom visits are among the first symptoms of pregnancy that pregnant women face. According to estimations 99% of pregnant women feel sick or to be sick in early pregnancy months. Therefore you need...

Summary: A healthy lifestyle for women is not difficult to achieve. With little changes in their lifestyle women can drastically improve their life quality. A healthy and active lifestyle makes you...

Summary: Overactive bladder is a condition causing urinary incontinence. Here are some important facts about this condition you should know. What is an overactive bladder? Overactive bladder is a...
Author Bio
Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women. http://www.womenscenter.com/