What is migraine Migraines are a common problem and often we all suffer from headaches, but sometimes these headaches continue for a long time. If the problem of headache continues continuously then...

oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, flavonoid phenolic anti-oxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber which are extremely beneficial for health. oil has been in use for many years. We have also been...

29 crore people in India are diabetic patients and this figure is absolutely shocking, this figure may increase further in the future. And the biggest reason for this disease is the wrong lifestyle...

The main cause of ear pain may be some kind of infection or cold, but sometimes due to some other reason, ear pain can also be a problem. There is an Eustachian tube from the middle of the ear to the...

Tricks to Improve Focus and Concentration: There are some quick and easy tricks that are helpful in mending the power of focusing on a particular subject or series of consequent subjects with utter...

Have you considered medical tourism in India and don't know where to start? Well, the country boasts some of the best medical facilities in the world, consisting of well-trained doctors, while...

Whenever you eat a bit of chocolate, you might not need to feel so regretful about it. In spite of its awful notoriety for causing weight increase, various medical advantages might be related to this...

You all know that we should run in the morning and our parents also say that son gets up early in the morning to go for a run and us defer to his words which causes a lot of illness in our body and...

It is common to have mild abdominal pain. Pain is felt when there is a sudden spasm in the stomach. Many times this pain starts to become mild and then fast. Eating and indigestion pain is common...

A fracture means breaking of bones, this problem can happen to any person. Broken bones can also be identified by a slight crack, but in many cases, they are completely shattered. A fracture occurs...

A fracture means breaking of bones, this problem can happen to any person. Broken bones can also be identified by a slight crack, but in many cases, they are completely shattered. A fracture occurs...

The thyroid is a type of gland, which is located in the front of the neck. This gland is shaped like a butterfly and controls your body's metabolism. This gland also produces many important hormones...

What is Dizziness?Generally speaking, dizziness is not a disease. Rather, other types of health conditions may be responsible for this. Dizziness can be called simply spinning of the head. In this...

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic surgery related to the lips. Lip augmentation surgery allows the lip to be grafted and embossed. Collagen is injected into the lips or fat is transferred. The lip...

What is Shingles?Ringworm is also called dermatophytosis or tinea. It is a skin fungal infection.This infection initially appears with red spots on the affected areas of the skin which later spreads...
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